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Stella HAGELSTAM is a Finnish athlete and competes in Dressage.

FEI ID 10019370
Gender Female
Date of Birth 28/02/1984
Competing for Finland - FIN
Registration Dressage 2025
Last update 06/06/2023
FEI Database

Dressage 70x70
Sport Specific Information
When and where did you begin this sport? She began riding at age four at Huso Riding Centre in Helsinki, Finland.
Club / Team Passion for Dressage: Finland
Further Personal Information
Residence Porvoo, FIN
Occupation Athlete, Business Owner, Coach, Horse Trainer
Languages English, Finnish, German, Swedish
Higher education Business Management, Economics - Hanken School of Economics: Helsinki, FIN
General Interest
Injuries She was hospitalised for eight days with meningitis after she fell ill at the 2014 World Equestrian Games [WEG] in Normandy, France. (, 06 Sep 2014)
Sporting philosophy / motto "Everything in my riding is based on cooperation with the horse." (, 01 Aug 2022)
Famous relatives Her parents Leif and Heidi own the Boe Gard farm and equestrian school in Porvoo, Finland. Her sister Sandra has worked as a fashion writer. (Boe Gard Ab Facebook page, 04 Nov 2018;, 20 Apr 2013)
Other information HORSE REPLACEMENT Her horse New Hill Julitrea sustained an injury and was declared unfit to compete at the 2022 World Championships in Herning, Denmark. However, with British dressage rider Amy Woodhead missing the competition season due to pregnancy, Woodhead's ride Mount St John Kom Fairy Tale was leased to Hagelstam until September 2022. "After Julia [New Hill Julitrea] got a tiny injury and needed a couple of months of recovery, I couldn't imagine what was waiting for me just around the corner. I was of course a little disappointed and prepared to have to give up my dream to ride in WEG this year but then something amazing happened and here she is now. It feels like sitting in a Ferrari instead of a regular car." (, 01 Aug 2022;, 16 May 2022) STABLES She runs Passion for Dressage at the Boe Gard farm and equestrian school in Porvoo, Finland, which has been owned by her parents Heidi and Leif since 2002. She trains and trades dressage horses through the company. (, 01 Aug 2022; Instagram profile, 29 Jul 2022; Boe Gard Ab Facebook page, 04 Nov 2018) NATIONAL COACH In August 2010 she was appointed coach of Finland's national pony team. (, 19 Mar 2011;, 25 Jul 2011;, 23 Aug 2010)