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Roger Yves BOST

Roger Yves BOST is a French athlete and competes in Jumping.

Name Roger Yves BOST
FEI ID 10002670
Gender Male
Date of Birth 21/10/1965
Competing for France - FRA
Registration Jumping 2024
Last update 03/01/2023
FEI Database

Jumping 70x70
General Interest
Nicknames Bosty (, 24 Aug 2014)
Most influential person in career French equestrian jumper Jean d'Orgeix. (Athlete, 12 Jul 2012)
Hero / Idol British equestrian jumper John Whitaker. (, 30 Sep 2013)
Sporting philosophy / motto "[A relationship with the horse] can only be made over time. It's true that at the beginning there might be some good performances, but when you know your horse after two or three years he is more receptive, he knows you. Sometimes they are not in a good mood, and they need to have a good day in order to win. And you forge that by being kind to them, taking care of them in the stables, watching their legs and putting on the saddle yourself. Once they know you, they give back more." (, 25 Jun 2020)
Awards and honours He was named Knight of the National Order of the Legion of Honour in France in recognition of his performance at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. (, 2018) In 2007 the French government gave him the title of Chevalier du Merite Agricole. He was also honoured by the French president at the Elysee Palace in Paris, France, following his success at the 1990 World Equestrian Games [WEG] in Stockholm, Sweden. (, 11 Aug 2015;, 10 Jan 2014)
Famous relatives His father Roger Sr. was an international equestrian rider. His children Clementine and Nicolas have also competed at an elite level in the sport. His brother Olivier has served as a national coach, while his niece Margaux Bost competed in jumping at the European Young Riders Championships in 2012 and 2013. (SportsDeskOnline, 25 Mar 2018;, 05 Apr 2016;, 11 Aug 2015;, 01 Mar 2010)
Ambitions To win a medal at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. (, 25 Jun 2020)
Other information STABLES His parents built Haras des Brulys in Barbizon, France. He runs his own section at the stables, called Bosty Jump, while his brother Olivier has his own branch at the same venue. "[My brother] has his owners and I have mine. We are separated but it is good that way. We love to get together to see if everything is going well." (, 26 Oct 2022;, 30 Mar 2022;, 24 Mar 2020;, 06 Jul 2018;, 05 Apr 2016)
Sport Specific Information
When and where did you begin this sport? He began riding with his parents when he was a child. He first competed with ponies at age eight, and then with horses in junior classes at age 12.
Why this sport? He grew up around horses and started a career in jumping because he was so passionate about the animals. He had considered becoming a veterinarian but did not have the time to study as he was regularly competing from an early age. "I then chose this way, and it's gone just fine."
Club / Team Haras des Brulys: Barbizon, FRA
Further Personal Information
Family Wife Cyrille, children Clementine and Nicolas
Residence Barbizon, FRA
Occupation Athlete, Business Owner, Coach, Horse Trainer
Languages English, French